The Judgement of Valhalla

Gilbert Frankau was a prolific and popular British novelist who wrote both in prose and verse and had fifty works published over a fifty year period. He is considered one of the war poets of World War I. This collection of his poems, reflect his experiences which included fighting in some of the major battles of the war at Loos, Ypres and the Somme.

By : Gilbert Frankau (1884 - 1952)

01 - The Judgement of Valhalla - The Deserter

02 - The Judgement of Valhalla - The Eye and the Truth

03 - The Judgement of Valhalla - The Song of the Red-Edged Steel

04 - The Judgement of Valhalla - The Song of the Crashing Wing

05 - The Judgement of Valhalla - The Song of the Gunner-Dead

06 - The Judgement of Valhalla - Valhalla's Verdict

07 - Aimée - Wife and Country

08 - Aimée - Mother and Mate

09 - Aimée - Meeting

10 - Aimée - Music and Wine

11 - Aimée - The Gamble

12 - Aimée - Ninon and Roses

13 - Aimée - Parting

14 - The Other Side

15 - ‘One of Them’ - I

16 - ‘One of Them’ - II

17 - ‘One of Them’ - III

18 - ‘One of Them’ - IV

19 - ‘One of Them’ - V

20 - ‘One of Them’ - VI


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