Love Letter Collection

Readers have cast their nets wide to create this small collection of letters and poems, from fiction and from life, from heart to heart and from soul to soul. With love for St Valentine.

By : Various

01 - Abigail Adams to John Adams 16 October 1774, Adams Family Papers - Abigail Adams

02 - Balzac: From don Felipe to Louise - in L 15 of Letters of Two Brides - Honoré de Balzac

03 - Eliza Cook: Don't Tell the World that You're Waiting for Me - Eliza Cook

04 - Heloise to Peter Abelard - Heloise

05 - E. B. Browning: Let It Be This Way - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

06 - Anne Bradstreet: A Letter to Her Husband Absent Upon Public Employment - Anne Bradstreet

07 - Victo Hugo: Love Letter - Monday, February 28, 1820 - Victor Hugo

08 - Victo Hugo: Love Letter - Saturday Evening, January, 1820 - Victor Hugo

09 - Beethoven: To Countess Giulietta Guicciardi, Section 15 from Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Volume 1 - Ludwig van Beethoven


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