Ghosts And Family Legends A Volume For Christmas

Fifteen ghost stories to hear around the Yule log. "It happened that I spent the last winter in a large country mansion, in the north of England, where we had a succession of visitors, and all manner of amusements—... In short, we began to tell ghost stories; and although some of the party professed an utter disbelief in apparitions, they proved to be as fertile as the believers in their contributions—relating something that had happened to themselves or their friends, as having undoubtedly occurred, or to all appearance, occurred—only, with the reservation, that it must certainly have been a dream. The substance of these conversations fills the following pages, and I have told the stories as nearly as possible in the words of the original narrators."

By : Catherine Crowe (1803 - 1876)

00 - Preface: Round The Fire

01 - Round The Fire: First Evening (The Lover's Farewell; The Appointment Kept)

02 - Round The Fire: Second Evening: (The White Cat; Passing Spirits; The Garde Chasse)

03 - Round The Fire: Third Evening (The Carrier)

04 - Round The Fire: Fourth Evening (Rehearsals, etc; Prophetic Dreams)

05 - Round The Fire: Fifth Evening (The Vigil; The Strange Dog; The Scotch Minister)

06 - Round The Fire: Sixth Evening (The Radiant Boy; The Prediction; Haunted Houses; The Justification)

07 - Round The Fire: Seventh Evening (The German Inn; The Benighted Traveller)

08 - Round The Fire: Eighth Evening (My Own Visit To a Haunted House; Mr. G.'s Adventure; Conclusion To First Part)

09 - Appendix Four Autograph Letters Communicating Personal Experiences Addressed To The Author

10 - Legends Of The Earthbound: The Italian's Story

11 - Legends Of The Earthbound: The Dutch Officer's Story

12 - Legends Of The Earthbound: The Old Frenchman's Story

13 - Legends Of The Earthbound: The Swiss Lady's Story

14 - Legends Of The Earthbound: The Sheep Farmer's Story

15 - Legends Of The Earthbound: My Friend's Story


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