Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures

Job Caudle, the 'hero' of the book is a Victorian shopkeeper whose wife finds she can only talk to him without interruption in bed. Caudle, who outlives his wife, finds he can no longer sleep easily because of his memory of these 'lectures' and resolves to exorcise his wife's memory by recording the lectures, it seems with a view to future publication for the edification of others. Jerrold's humour shines through this insight into Victorian middle class culture.

By : Douglas William Jerrold (1803 - 1857)

01 - Introduction

02 - Lecture 1: Mr. Caudle has lent five pounds to a friend

03 - Lecture 2: Mr. Caudle has been at a tavern with a friend, and is “enough to poison a woman” with tobacco smoke

04 - Lecture 3: Mr. Caudle joins a club – “The Skylarks”

05 - Lecture 4: Mr. Caudle has been called from his bed to bail Mr. Prettyman from the watch-house

06 - Lecture 5: Mr. Caudle has remained downstairs till past one, with a friend

07 - Lecture 6: Mr. Caudle has lent an acquaintance the family umbrella

08 - Lecture 7: Mr. Caudle has ventured a remonstrance on his day’s dinner: cold mutton and no pudding – Mrs Caudle defends the cold shoulder

09 - Lecture 8: Caudle has been made a mason – Mrs Caudle indignant and curious

10 - Lecture 9: Mr Caudle has been to Greenwich fair

11 - Lecture 10: On Mr. Caudle’s shirt buttons

12 - Lecture 11: Mrs Caudle suggests the her dear mother should “come and live with them”

13 - Lecture 12: Mr. Caudle having come home a little late, declares that henceforth “he will have a key”

14 - Lecture 13: Mrs Caudle has been to see her dear mother – Caudle on the “joyful occasion”, has given a party and issued a card of invitation

15 - Lecture 14: Mrs Caudle thinks it “high time” that the children should have summer clothing

16 - Lecture 15: Mr. Caudle again stayed out late. Mrs Caudle, at first injured and violent, melts

17 - Lecture 16: Baby is to be christened; Mrs Caudle canvasses the merits of probable godfathers

18 - Lecture 17: Caudle in the course of the day has ventured to question the economy of “washing at home”

19 - Lecture 18: Caudle, whilst walking with his wife, has been bowed to by a younger and even prettier woman than Mrs Caudle

20 - Lecture 19: Mrs Caudle thinks “it would look well to keep their wedding-day”

21 - Lecture 20: “Brother” Caudle has been to a Masonic charitable dinner. Mrs Caudle has hidden the “brother’s” cheque-book

22 - Lecture 21: Mr. Caudle has not acted “like a husband” at the wedding dinner

23 - Lecture 22: Caudle comes home in the evening, as Mrs Caudle has “just stepped out, shopping” On her return, at ten, Caudle remonstrates

24 - Lecture 23: Mrs Caudle “wishes to know if they’re going to the sea-side, or not, this summer – that’s all

25 - Lecture 24: Mrs Caudle dwells on Caudle’s “cruel neglect” of her on board the “Red Rover”. Mrs Caudle so “ill with the sea”, that they put up at the Dolphin, Herne Bay

26 - Lecture 25: Mrs Caudle, wearied of Margate, has “a great desire to see France”

27 - Lecture 26: Mrs Caudle’s first night in France – “shameful indifference” of Caudle at the Boulogne custom house

28 - Lecture 27: Mrs Caudle returns to her native land. “Unmanly cruelty” of Caudle, who has refused “to smuggle a few things” for her

29 - Lecture 28: Mrs Caudle has returned home. The house (of course) “not fit to be seen”. Mr Caudle, in self-defence, takes a book

30 - Lecture 29: Mrs Caudle thinks “the time has come to have a cottage out of town”

31 - Lecture 30: Mrs Caudle complains of the “Turtle Dovery”. Discovers black beetles. Thinks it “nothing but right” that Caudle should set up a chaise

32 - Lecture 31: Mrs Caudle complains very bitterly that Mr. Caudle has “broken her confidence”

33 - Lecture 32: Mrs Caudle discourses of maids-of-all-work and maids in general. Mr. Caudle’s “infamous behaviour” ten years ago

34 - Lecture 33: Mrs Caudle has discovered that Caudle is a railway director

35 - Lecture 34: Mrs Caudle, suspecting that Mr. Caudle has made his will, is only “anxious as a wife”, to know its provisions

36 - Lecture 35: Mrs Caudle “has been told “ that Caudle has “taken to play” at billiards

37 - Lecture the Last: Mrs Caudle has taken cold; the tragedy of thin shoes

38 - Postscript

It has happened to the writer that two, or three, or ten, or twenty gentlewomen have asked him - and asked in various notes of wonder, pity, and reproof -

“What could have made you think of Mrs. Caudle?

“How could such a thing have entered any man’s mind?”

There are subjects that seem like rain drops to fall upon a man’s head, the head itself having nothing to do with the matter.  The result of no train of thought, there is the picture, the statue, the book, wafted, like the smallest seed, into the brain to feed upon the soil, such as it may be, and grow there.  And this was, no doubt, the accidental cause of the literary sowing and expansion - unfolding like a night-flower - of MRS. CAUDLE.

But let a jury of gentlewomen decide.

It was a thick, black wintry afternoon, when the writer stopt in the front of the playground of a suburban school.  The ground swarmed with boys full of the Saturday’s holiday.  The earth seemed roofed with the oldest lead, and the wind came, sharp as Shylock’s knife, from the Minories.  But those happy boys ran and jumped, and hopped, and shouted, and - unconscious men in miniature! - in their own world of frolic, had no thought of the full-length men they would some day become; drawn out into grave citizenship; formal, respectable, responsible.  To them the sky was of any or all colours; and for that keen east wind - if it was called the east wind - cutting the shoulder-blades of old, old men of forty  - they in their immortality of boyhood had the redder faces, and the nimbler blood for it.

And the writer, looking dreamily into that playground, still mused on the robust jollity of those little fellows, to whom the tax-gatherer was as yet a rarer animal than baby hippopotamus.  Heroic boyhood, so ignorant of the future in the knowing enjoyment of the present!  And the writer still dreaming and musing, and still following no distinct line of thought, there struck upon him, like notes of sudden household music, these words - CURTAIN LECTURES.

One moment there was no living object save those racing, shouting boys; and the next, as though a white dove had alighted on the pen hand of the writer, there was - MRS. CAUDLE.

Ladies of the jury, are there not then some subjects of letters that mysteriously assert an effect without any discoverable cause?  Otherwise, wherefore should the thought of CURTAIN LECTURES grow from a school ground - wherefore, among a crowd of holiday school-boys, should appear MRS. CAUDLE?

For the LECTURES themselves, it is feared they must be given up as a farcical desecration of a solemn time-honoured privilege; it may be, exercised once in a life time, - and that once having the effect of a hundred repetitions, as Job lectured his wife.  And Job’s wife, a certain Mohammedan writer delivers, having committed a fault in her love to her husband, he swore that on his recovery he would deal her a hundred stripes.  Job got well, and his heart was touched and taught by the tenderness to keep his vow, and still to chastise his help-mate; for he smote her once with a palm-branch having a hundred leaves.

Poor Job Caudle was one of the few men whom Nature, in her casual bounty to women, sends into the world as patient listeners.  He was, perhaps, in more respects than one, all ears.  And these ears, Mrs. Caudle - his lawful, wedded wife as she would ever and anon impress upon him, for she was not a woman to wear chains without shaking them - took whole and sole possession of.  They were her entire property; as expressly made to convey to Caudle’s brain the stream of wisdom that continually flowed from the lips of his wife, as was the tin funnel through which Mrs. Caudle in vintage time bottled her elder wine.  There was, however, this difference between the wisdom and the wine.  The wine was always sugared: the wisdom, never.  It was expressed crude from the heart of Mrs. Caudle; who, doubtless, trusted to the sweetness of her husband’s disposition to make it agree with him.

Philosophers have debated whether morning or night is most conducive to the strongest and clearest moral impressions.  The Grecian sage confessed that his labours smelt of the lamp.  In like manner did Mrs. Caudle’s wisdom smell of the rushlight.  She knew that her husband was too much distracted by his business as toyman and doll-merchant to digest her lessons in the broad day.  Besides, she could never make sure of him: he was always liable to be summoned to the shop.  Now from eleven at night until seven in the morning there was no retreat for him.  He was compelled to lie and listen.  Perhaps there was little magnanimity in this on the part of Mrs. Caudle; but in marriage, as in war, it is permitted to take every advantage of the enemy.  Besides, Mrs. Caudle copied very ancient and classic authority.  Minerva’s bird, the very wisest thing in feathers, is silent all the day.  So was Mrs. Caudle.  Like the owl, she hooted only at night.

Mr. Caudle was blessed with an indomitable constitution.  One fact will prove the truth of this.  He lived thirty years with Mrs. Caudle, surviving her.  Yes, it took thirty years for Mrs. Caudle to lecture and dilate upon the joys, griefs, duties, and vicissitudes comprised within that seemingly small circle - the wedding-ring.  We say, seemingly small; for the thing, as viewed by the vulgar, naked eye, is a tiny hoop made for the third feminine finger.  Alack! like the ring of Saturn, for good or evil, it circles a whole world.  Or, to take a less gigantic figure, it compasses a vast region: it may be Arabia Felix, and it may be Arabia Petrea.

A lemon-hearted cynic might liken the wedding-ring to an ancient circus, in which wild animals clawed one another for the sport of lookers-on.  Perish the hyperbole!  We would rather compare it to an elfin ring, in which dancing fairies made the sweetest music for infirm humanity.

Manifold are the uses of rings.  Even swine are tamed by them.  You will see a vagrant, hilarious, devastating porker - a full-blooded fellow that would bleed into many, many fathoms of black pudding - you will see him, escaped from his proper home, straying in a neighbour’s garden.  How he tramples upon the heart’s-ease: how, with quivering snout, he roots up lilies - odoriferous bulbs!  Here he gives a reckless snatch at thyme and marjoram - and here he munches violets and gilly-flowers.  At length the marauder is detected, seized by his owner, and driven, beaten home.  To make the porker less dangerous, it is determined that he shall be ringed.  The sentence is pronounced - execution ordered.  Listen to his screams!

“Would you not think the knife was in his throat?
And yet they’re only boring through his nose!”

Hence, for all future time, the porker behaves himself with a sort of forced propriety - for in either nostril he carries a ring.  It is, for the greatness of humanity, a saddening thought, that sometimes men must be treated no better than pigs.

But Mr. Job Caudle was not of these men.  Marriage to him was not made a necessity.  No; for him call it if you will a happy chance - a golden accident.  It is, however, enough for us to know that he was married; and was therefore made the recipient of a wife’s wisdom.  Mrs. Caudle, like Mahomet’s dove, continually pecked at the good man’s ears; and it is a happiness to learn from what he left behind that he had hived all her sayings in his brain; and further, that he employed the mellow evening of his life to put such sayings down, that, in due season, they might be enshrined in imperishable type.

When Mr. Job Caudle was left in this briary world without his daily guide and nocturnal monitress, he was in the ripe fulness of fifty-seven.  For three hours at least after he went to bed - such slaves are we to habit - he could not close an eye.  His wife still talked at his side.  True it was, she was dead and decently interred.  His mind - it was a comfort to know it - could not wander on this point; this he knew.  Nevertheless, his wife was with him.  The Ghost of her Tongue still talked as in the life; and again and again did Job Caudle hear the monitions of bygone years.  At times, so loud, so lively, so real were the sounds, that Job, with a cold chill, doubted if he were really widowed.  And then, with the movement of an arm, a foot, he would assure himself that he was alone in his holland.  Nevertheless, the talk continued.  It was terrible to be thus haunted by a voice: to have advice, commands, remonstrance, all sorts of saws and adages still poured upon him, and no visible wife.  Now did the voice speak from the curtains; now from the tester; and now did it whisper to Job from the very pillow that he pressed.  “It’s a dreadful thing that her tongue should walk in this manner,” said Job, and then he thought confusedly of exorcism, or at least of counsel from the parish priest.

Whether Job followed his own brain, or the wise direction of another, we know not.  But he resolved every night to commit to paper one curtain lecture of his late wife.  The employment would, possibly, lay the ghost that haunted him.  It was her dear tongue that cried for justice, and when thus satisfied, it might possibly rest in quiet.  And so it happened.  Job faithfully chronicled all his late wife’s lectures; the ghost of her tongue was thenceforth silent, and Job slept all his after nights in peace.

When Job died, a small packet of papers was found inscribed as follows:-

“Curtain Lectures delivered in the course of Thirty Years by Mrs. Margaret Caudle, and suffered by Job, her Husband.”

That Mr. Caudle had his eye upon the future printer, is made pretty probable by the fact that in most places he had affixed the text - such text for the most part arising out of his own daily conduct - to the lecture of the night.  He had also, with an instinctive knowledge of the dignity of literature, left a bank-note of very fair amount with the manuscript.  Following our duty as editor, we trust we have done justice to both documents.


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