The Foolish Dictionary

The Foolish Dictionary was written by "Gideon Wurdz". According to the beginning of the book, it is "An exhausting work of reference to un-certain English words, their origin, meaning, legitimate and illegitimate use..." This a a short but amusing dictionary which "redefines" words in some interesting ways. Funny and sometimes bizarre observations are sprinkled throughout. In keeping with the policy to read, rather than attempt to rewrite, books - even those with offensive content - nothing has been omitted. While many of the definitions may just seem confusing or "corny" to modern readers, there are a couple that also might be considered "objectionable," particularly in section 10, which contains offensive content of a racial nature.

By : Charles Wayland Towne (1875 - 1965)

01 - Preface and Letter A

02 - Letter B

03 - Letter C

04 - Letter D

05 - Letter E

06 - Letters F and G

07 - Letter H

08 - Letters I and J

09 - Letters K and L

10 - Letters M and N

11 - Letters O and P

12 - Letters Q and R

13 - Letter S

14 - Letter T

15 - Letters U-Z

16 - Postage and Postal Information

17 - A Few Mythological and Classical Names

18 - Legal and Local Holidays in the United States


In this age of the arduous pursuit of peace, prosperity and pleasure, the smallest contribution to the gaiety, if not to the wisdom, of nations can scarcely be unwelcome. With this in mind, the author has prepared "The Foolish Dictionary," not in serious emulation of the worthier—and wordier—works of Webster and Worcester, but rather in the playful spirit of the parodist, who would gladly direct the faint rays from his flickering candle of fun to the shrine of their great memories.

With half a million English words to choose from, modesty has been the watchword, and the author has confined himself to the treatment of only about half a thousand. How wise, flippant, sober or stupid, this treatment has been, it is for the reader alone to judge. However, if from epigram, derivative or pure absurdity, there be born a single laugh between the lids, the laborer will accredit himself worthy of his hire.

In further explanation it should be said that some slight deference has been made to other wits, and the definitions include a few quotations from the great minds of the past and present. As for the rest, the jury will please acknowledge a plea of guilty from
                                                                                                                         Gideon Wurdz.


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