The Catiline Conspiracy and the Jugurthine War

The Catiline Conspiracy and the Jugurthine War are the two separate surviving works of the historian commonly known as "Sallust". Nearly contemporary to the events he describes, he is supposed to have been a retired officer of Caesar's army.

"Catiline" contains the history of the memorable year 63. Sallust describes Catiline as the deliberate foe of law, order and morality (although party politics may have influenced his view). Still, Sallust does recount Catiline's noble traits, including his courage in the final battle. There is doubt among historians about whether Caesar was involved in the conspiracy; several of Catiline's adherents who survived later joined Caesar's side in his was against Pompey. The difficulty of Cicero's position is thoroughly treated.

"Jugurthine War" records the war in Numidia c.112 B.C. This war, which introduces the rivals Marius and Sulla to the Roman political scene, recounts the downfall and capture of the Numidian King Jugurtha. There is an exciting description of an agile Ligurian agent of the Roman side entering a besieged enemy city.

By : Gaius (Sallust) Sallustius Crispus (86 BCE - c. 35 BCE),translated by Alfred W. Pollard (1859 - 1944)

01 - Note on Sallust

02 - Introduction to Catiline Conspiracy

03 - Catiline Conspiracy part 01

04 - Catiline Conspiracy part 02

05 - Catiline Conspiracy part 03

06 - Catiline Conspiracy part 04

07 - Catiline Conspiracy part 05

08 - Catiline Conspiracy part 06

09 - Introduction to the Jugurthine War

10 - The Jugurthine War part 01

11 - The Jugurthine War part 02

12 - The Jugurthine War part 03

13 - The Jugurthine War part 04

14 - The Jugurthine War part 05

15 - The Jugurthine War part 06

16 - The Jugurthine War part 07

17 - The Jugurthine War part 08

18 - The Jugurthine War part 09

19 - The Jugurthine War part 10

20 - The Jugurthine War part 11

21 - The Jugurthine War part 12


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