Dagonet Ditties

George Robert Sims was an English journalist, poet, dramatist, novelist, prolific in his output and known for his satire and humor. These qualities are reflected in this collection small poems originally published in the literary magazine, “The Referee.”

By : George R. Sims (1847 - 1922)

George Robert Sims was an English journalist, poet, dramatist, novelist and bon vivant. Sims began writing lively humour and satiric pieces for Fun magazine and The Referee, but he was soon concentrating on social reform, particularly the plight of the poor in London's slums. A prolific journalist and writer he also produced a number of novels and numerous plays.

01 - London Day by Day

02 - For E'er and Hair

03 - A Domestic Tragedy

04 - The Pick-Me-Up

05 - Ad Cor Meum

06 - Ichabod

07 - A Derby Ditty

08 - Shall We Remember?

09 - Paradise and the Sinner

10 - The Income Tax

11 - Nonsense

12 - Le Mardi Gras

13 - Two Sundays

14 - The Mails Aboard

15 - At the Photographer's

16 - In Gay Japan

17 - The Balaclava Heroes

18 - A Child's Idea

19 - Sanitation at Sea

20 - Guignol

21 - The English Summer

22 - A Perfect Paradise

23 - That Breeze

24 - Ballad of Old-Time Fogs

25 - Under the Clock

26 - The Girl of Forty-Seven

27 - Conventional Malgre Lui

28 - Home, Sweet Home

29 - In Portland Place

30 - The Shirt Buttons

31 - The Londoner to His Love

32 - The Eiffel Bonnet

33 - To a Fair Musician

34 - A Word for the Police

35 - The Old Clock on the Stairs

36 - My Ambition

37 - A Wish

38 - The Song of Heredity

39 - Scotch'd, Not Kilt

40 - The Last Resource

41 - Ye Bars and Gates

42 - Portrait of a Prince

43 - The Strong Men

44 - A Ballad of Soap

45 - The Jokeleteer

46 - Bill Sikes's Protest

47 - The Clarinet

48 - No Evening Dress

49 - Alone in London

50 - The Volunteer

51 - Those Boots

52 - A Sunday Song

53 - Up the Rigi

54 - A Plea for Mercy

55 - If You Were Here

56 - Le Brav' General

57 - The Paris Exhibition

58 - The New Legend

59 - Mild December

60 - The Last Duke

61 - To the Fog

62 - The Reminiscences of Mr. John Dobbs

63 - Pickpocket Poems

64 - The Cigarette

65 - The Early Milk-Cart

66 - The Collaborators

67 - The Wen Cure

68 - That New-Born Babe

69 - The Button

70 - A Façon de Parler

71 - Jackson

72 - Another Danger

73 - After the Act

74 - The Rigadoon

75 - How to Write a Novel

76 - The German Gym

77 - Tottie

78 - The Welshman in London

79 - The Magistrate

80 - The Imperial Institute

81 - The Plan of Campaign

82 - The People's Palace

83 - A Charade

84 - A True Story

85 - The Pirate 'Bus

86 - The War-Cry

87 - The ''Lancet''

88 - A Tale of a Tub

89 - The Comic King


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