A History of California, The American Period

The Author's own summary surveys “first the faint awakenings of American interest in the Spanish province of Alta California. The New England merchants traffic again along the sunlit, poorly guarded coast; the shadow of Russia hangs for a moment over San Francisco Bay; the hide and tallow vessels laboriously collect their cargoes at every little port...the first adventurous immigrants wind wearily down the mountain trails...

By : Robert Glass Cleland (1885 - 1957)

00 - Preface

01 - Boston, California, and Canton

02 - Restrictions and Evasions

03 - The Russian Experiment

04 - The Whalers and Hide Traders

05 - Jedediah Smith, ''Pathfinder of the Sierras''

06 - James Ohio Pattie, Fur trader and Explorer

07 - The Successors of Smith and Pattie

08 - Advertising and Immigration--John Bidwell

09 - Immigration and Tragedy--The Donner Party

10 - Wilkes and Fremont, Government Explorers

11 - Jackson, Tyler, and California

12 - ''Anarchy and Confusion.''

13 - Plans for Annexation

14 - California, Great Britain, and the United States

15 - The Bear Flag Revolt

16 - The Conquest of California

17 - The Gold Rush

18 - Statehood

19 - Mines and Miners

20 - San Francisco, The Boisterous

21 - The Queen of the Cow Counties

22 - California and Sonora: The Day of the Filibuster

23 - The First Decade of Politics

24 - The Overland Mail and the Pony Express

25 - The Background of the Pacific Railroad

26 - The Central Pacific Railroad

27 - The Discontented Seventies

28 - Politics 1180-1910: A Resume

29 - Material Progress

30 - Review and Prophecy

“Then the scene changes...English ambitions hold a threat of danger to the program of the United States; the Sacramento settlers raise the crude Bear Flag as a symbol of revolt; and finally a strong-willed President acquires California as the fruit of war.

“The gold rush follows—a tumultuous beginning for the new day! Statehood then, and a time of social and political adjustment, when a restless people seek to accommodate themselves to ordered government and the restraints of law...they fill the treasury of the world with gold, reclaim an empire from the wilderness, turn the rivers into useful channels, meet the challenge of the mountains with a railroad, and securely lay the material foundations for a splendid state.”

This work may be considered the companion volume to Charles E. Chapman's A History of California: The Spanish Period, which tells the story of first Spanish and then Mexican California, from first discovery until the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 ceded ownership to the United States of America.

Disclaimer. The listener is reminded that the final chapter, Review and Prophecy, was written at a time when ideas were commonly held that today many regard as blatantly racist and offensive. This chapter has been read "as written," with no attempt at sanitization. It does not reflect the opinions of the narrator.


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