The Topaz Story Book, Stories and Legends of Autumn, Hallowe'en, and Thanksgiving

This is a charming collection of stories, legends, and poems about autumn harvest, Halloween, and Thanksgiving translated from the Danish, French, German, and others. There are animal stories and poems by some very famous authors and poets. All in all, this is a wonderful book for young people, and older people as well. "When the Frost is on the Pumpkin ..."

By : Ada M. Skinner (1878 - ) and Eleanor L. Skinner (1872 - )

01 - Each in His Own Tongue

02 - Nipon and King of the Northland

03 - Prince Autumn

04 - Scarf of the Lady

05 - Sickle Moon

06 - Winter's Herald

07 - Jack Frost

08 - Pumpkin Giant

09 - Lady White and Lady Yellow

10 - The Shet-Up Posy

11 - The Gay Little King

12 - The Story of Opal

13 - Selection

14 - Lost: The Summer

15 - By the Wayside

16 - The King's Candles

17 - Legend of the Golden Rod

18 - Golden-Rod

19 - The Little Weed

20 - Golden Rod and Purple Aster

21 - Wild Asters

22 - Silver-rod

23 - Pimpernel, The Shepherd's Clock

24 - Legend of the Gentian

25 - Queen Aster

26 - The Weeds

27 - Autumn Fires

28 - To an Autumn Leaf

29 - Why Autumn Leaves are Red

30 - The Anxious Leaf

31 - How the Chestnut Burrs Became

32 - The Merry Wind

33 - Autumn Among the Birds

34 - The Kind Old Oak

35 - The Tree

36 - Coming and Going

37 - Legend of the Willow Tree

38 - Autumn Fashions

39 - Pomona's Best Gift

40 - Pomona

41 - In the Orchard

42 - Johnny Appleseed

43 - Red Apple

44 - The Three Golden Apples

45 - October: Orchard of the Year

46 - November

47 - Woodland Animals

48 - The Pretending Woodchuck

49 - Mrs. Bunny's Dinner Party

50 - The Nutcrackers of Nutcracker Lodge

51 - Bushy's Bravery

52 - Nut Gatherers

53 - When the Frost is On the Pumpkin

54 - Origin of the Indian Corn

55 - Song of Hiawatha

56 - O-Na-Tah

57 - Mondamin

58 - The Discontented Pumpkin

59 - Bob White

60 - The Little Pumpkin

61 - Autumn

62 - The News

63 - How There Came To Be a Katy-did

64 - Old Dame Cricket

65 - Miss Katy-did and Miss Cricket

66 - The Cricket

67 - Shadow March

68 - Twinkling Feet's Hallowe'en

69 - Jack-o'-Lantern

70 - The Elfin Knight

71 - The Courteous Prince

72 - Jack-o'-Lantern Song

73 - Selection

74 - The Queer Little Baker Man

75 - A Turkey for the Stuffing

76 - Pumpkin Pie

77 - Mrs. November's Party

78 - The Debut of Dan'l Webster

79 - The Green Corn Dance

80 - Thanksgiving

81 - The Two Alms, or The Thanksgiving Day Gift

82 - Thanksgiving Psalm

83 - The Crown of the Year

Nature stories, legends, and poems appeal to the young reader’s interest in various ways. Some of them suggest or reveal certain facts which stimulate a spirit of investigation and attract the child’s attention to the beauty and mystery of the world. Others serve an excellent purpose by quickening his sense of humour.

Seedtime and harvest have always been seasons of absorbing interest and have furnished the story-teller with rich themes. The selections in “The Emerald Story Book” emphasize the hope and premise of the spring; the stories, legends, and poems in this volume, “The Topaz Story Book,” express the joy and blessing which attend the harvest-time when the fields are rich in golden grain and the orchard boughs bend low with mellow fruit. “The year’s work is done. She walks in gorgeous apparel, looking upon her long labour and her serene eye saith, ‘It is good.’”

The editors’ thanks are due to the following authors and publishers for the use of valuable material in this book:

To Dr. Carl S. Patton of the First Congregational Church, Columbus, Ohio, for permission to include his story, “The Pretending Woodchuck”; to Frances Jenkins Olcott for “The Green Corn Dance,” retold from “The Journal of American Folk-Lore,” published by Houghton, Mifflin Company; to Ernest Thompson Seton and the Century Company for “How the Chestnut Burrs Became”; to Dr. J. Dynelly Prince for permission to retell the legend of “Nipon” from “Kuloskap the Master”; to Thomas Nelson and Sons for “Weeds,” by Carl Ewald; to William Herbert Carruth for the selection from “Each In His Own Tongue”; to Josephine K. Dodge for two poems by Mary Mapes Dodge; to A. Flanagan Company for “Golden-rod and Purple Aster,” from “Nature Myths and Stories,” by Flora J. Cooke; to J. B. Lippincott Company for “The Willow and the Bamboo,” from “Myths and Legends of the Flowers and Trees,” by Chas. M. Skinner; to Bobbs, Merrill Company for the selection by James Whitcomb Riley; to Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard Company for “The Pumpkin Giant,” from “The Pot of Gold,” by Mary Wilkins Freeman; to Raymond Macdonald Alden for “Lost: The Summer”; to the Youth’s Companion for “A Turkey for the Stuffing,” by Katherine Grace Hulbert, and “The News,” by Persis Gardiner; to John S. P. Alcott for “Queen Aster,” by Louisa M. Alcott; to G. P. Putnam’s Sons for two poems from “Red Apples and Silver Bells,” by Hamish Henry; to Francis Curtis and St. Nicholas for “The Debut of Daniel Webster,” by Isabel Gordon Curtis; to Emma F. Bush and Mothers’ Magazine for “The Little Pumpkin”; to Phila Butler Bowman and Mothers’ Magazine for “The Queer Little Baker Man”; to the Independent for “The Crown of the Year,” by Celia Thaxter; to Ginn and Company for “Winter’s Herald,” from Andrew’s “The Story of My Four Friends”; to Frederick A. Stokes Company for “Lady White and Lady Yellow,” from “Myths and Legends of Japan”; to the State Museum, Albany, New York, for permission to reprint the legend “O-na-tah, Spirit of the Corn,” published in the Museum Bulletin; to Houghton, Mifflin Company for “The Sickle Moon,” by Abbie Farwell Brown; “Autumn Among the Birds” and “Autumn Fashions” by Edith M. Thomas, “The Nutcrackers of Nutcracker Lodge” by Harriet Beecher Stowe, and “The Three Golden Apples” by Nathaniel Hawthorne; and to Duffield and Company for “The Story of the Opal” by Ann de Morgan.


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