Stories of the Royal Humane Society

Established in 1774, the ‘Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Drowned’ published information on how to save people from drowning, promoted the concept of using methods of artificial resuscitation to attempt to revive victims who had appeared to have lost their life through drowning and rewarded those people who had saved a life. Under the royal patronage of King George the Third, the Society changed its name in 1787 to ‘The Royal Humane Society’ and this organisation still exists today and is a well known and very active charity, whose aim is to recognise by the awarding of medals and certificates, the bravery of men, women and children who have saved, or who have tried to save someone else's life. This book, Stories of the Royal Humane Society was one in a series of inspirational texts written by the Victorian author Frank Mundell and published by The Sunday School Union. The stories related here were taken from reports of actual incidents and events recorded by the Society around the turn of the last century. Each story described here, allows us to appreciate the selfless acts of courage and bravery shown by ‘ordinary’ people and their extraordinary responses in taking action without regard for the risk to their own personal safety and wellbeing when confronted with an adverse situation that suddenly develops around them.

By : Frank Mundell (1870 - 1932)

00 - Preface and Epigraph

01 - The Royal Humane Society

02 - A Brave Foreman

03 - The Hero of the ''Water Nymph''

04 - A Famous Swimmer

05 - Other Stanhope Medallists

06 - The Heroine of the Longstone

07 - A Titled Medalist

08 - Presence of Mind

09 - The Hero of the Humber

10 - A Long Swim

11 - Amid Storm and Darkness

12 - An Australian Grace Darling

13 - A Southend Hero

14 - A Life for a Life

15 - On Thin Ice

16 - A Notable Feat

17 - Heroes of Recent Years

18 - A Visit to the Receiving House


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