Frostiana, or a history of the River Thames in a frozen state

The frost fair of 1814 began on 1 February, and lasted four days. A printer named George Davis published a 124-page book, "Frostiana; or a History of the River Thames in a Frozen State". The entire book was type-set and printed in Davis's printing stall, which had been set up on the frozen Thames. The book is a written history of London's frost fairs, interspersed with humorous, cold-related sections including "How to Make Ice Cream" and "The Art of Ice Skating".

By : George Davis

00 - Introduction

01 - Chapter I - Frost

02 - Chapter II - Snow

03 - Chapter III - Ice

04 - Chapter IV - Cold

05 - Chapter V - Northern Winters

06 - Chapter VI - Skating


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