Donal Grant

After leaving home in search of work, Donal Grant accepts a position as tutor to a young boy who lives in a sprawling castle, which also houses an eccentric old man, a beautiful and troubled young woman, and an ancient family legend of a secret room hidden somewhere within the castle. This is the sequel to "Sir Gibbie" by the same author, but is quite capable of standing as a complete and compelling story in its own right.

By : George MacDonald (1824 - 1905)

01 - Foot-Faring

02 - A Spiritual Foot-Pad

03 - The Moor

04 - The Town

05 - The Cobbler

06 - Doory

07 - A Sunday

08 - The Gate

09 - The Morven Arms

10 - The Parish Clergyman

11 - The Earl

12 - The Castle

13 - A Sound

14 - The Schoolroom

15 - Horse and Man

16 - Colloquies

17 - Lady Arctura

18 - A Clash

19 - The Factor

20 - The Old Garden

21 - A First Meeting

22 - A Talk About Ghosts

23 - A Tradition of the Castle

24 - Stephen Kennedy

25 - Evasion

26 - Confrontment

27 - The Soul of the Old Garden

28 - A Presence Yet Not a Presence

29 - Eppy Again

30 - Lord Morven

31 - Bewilderment

32 - The Second Dinner with the Earl

33 - The Housekeeper's Room

34 - Cobbler and Castle

35 - The Earl's Bedchamber

36 - A Night-Watch

37 - Lord Forgue and Lady Arctura

38 - Arctura and Sophia

39 - The Castle-Roof

40 - A Religion-Lesson

41 - The Music-Nest

42 - Communism

43 - Eppy and Kennedy

44 - High and Low

45 - A Last Encounter

46 - A Horrible Story

47 - Morven House

48 - Paternal Revenge

49 - Filial Response

50 - A South-Easterly Wind

51 - A Dream

52 - Investigation

53 - Mistress Brookes Upon the Earl

54 - Lady Arctura's Room

55 - Her Bed-Chamber

56 - The Lost Room

57 - The Housekeeper's Room

58 - A Soul Diseased

59 - Dust to Dust

60 - A Lesson About Death

61 - The Bureau

62 - The Crypt

63 - The Closet

64 - The Garland-Room

65 - The Wall

66 - Progress and Change

67 - The Breakfast-Room

68 - Larkie

69 - The Sick-Chamber

70 - A Plot

71 - Glashgar

72 - Sent, Not Called

73 - In the Night

74 - A Moral Fungus

75 - The Porch of Hades

76 - The Angel of the Lord

77 - The Angel of the Devil

78 - Restoration

79 - A Slow Transition

80 - Away-Faring

81 - A Will and a Wedding

82 - The Will

83 - Insight

84 - Morven House


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