Some Winter Days in Iowa

Accented with snatches of verse and a mix of scientific and Christian insight, University of Iowa professor Lazell takes us on vivid nature walks through the rural areas of the Plains state.

By : Frederick Lazell (1870 - 1940)

01 - I. The Woodlands In January

02 - II. February In Storm And Shine

03 - III. March--And A Spring Bouquet

I am glad to have the privilege, thus in advance, of looking over Mr. Lazell's delightful essays. He has surely a gift in this sort of thing. We are grateful to the man who shows us what he sees in Nature, but more to the man who like our present author shows us how easy and blessed it is to see for ourselves.

Mr. Lazell reminds me of Thoreau and Emerson, and I can suggest no better foreword than the passage from the last named author, from the Method of Nature, as follows:

"Every earnest glance we give to the realities around us with intent to learn, proceeds from a holy impulse and is really songs of praise. What difference can it make whether it take the shape of exhortation, or of passionate exclamation, or of scientific statement? These are forms merely. Through them we express, at last, the fact that God has done thus or thus."

Thomas H. Macbride


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