Secret Chambers and Hiding Places

Secret Chambers and Hiding Places is a collection of hiding places and their uses, most of them in Great Britain, although very few passages and rooms in mainland Europe are mentioned, the hideaway of Jacobite in Scotland, while the last chapter of the book deals with Bonnie and Prince Charlie. Was wandering all over Scotland, among caves and other hiding places. Most chapters are devoted to historical events; such as the persecution of Roman Catholics in the 17th century (with many large houses having specially built "priest pits"), or various unpopular kings and their hideouts. The text is filled with legends and true stories, with skeletons not often found, still hidden, centuries after the researchers left. The author describes hidden doors, passages, rooms and pits with great enthusiasm… and with great regret when he has to describe secret places lost to destruction or modernization. You'll wish you could roam the land, rummaging through the darkest corners of every old house you find!

By : Allan Fea (1860 - 1956)

01 - Chapter 1 and Introduction - A Great Deviser of 'Priest's Holes'

02 - Chapter 2 - Hindlip Hall

03 - Chapter 3 - Priest Hunting at Braddocks

04 - Chapter 4 - The Gunpowder Plot Conspirators

05 - Chapter 5 - Harvington, Ufton and Ingatestone

06 - Chapter 6 - Compton Winyates, Salford Prior, Sawston, Oxburgh, Parham, Paxhill etc.

07 - Chapter 7 - King-hunting: Boscobel, Moseley, Trent, and Heale

08 - Chapter 8 - Cavalier-hunting, etc.

09 - Chapter 9 - James II's escapes

10 - Chapter 10 - James II's escapes (continued), Ham House and

11 - Chapter 11 - Mysterious Rooms, Deadly Pits etc.

12 - Chapter 12 - Hiding Places in Jacobite Dwellings, and in Scottish Castles and Mansions

13 - Chapter 13 - Concealed Doors, Subterranean Passages etc.

14 - Chapter 14 - Miniature Hiding-holes for Valuables etc.

15 - Chapter 15 - Hiding Places of Smugglers and Thieves.

16 - Chapter 16 - Scottish Hiding Places of Prince Charles Edward


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