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- 05.11.2019 - 0 CommentsCecilia Böhl de Faber (1796 Morges, Suiza - 1877 Sevilla), que firmaba con el pseudónimo de Fernán…
- 02.08.2020 - 0 CommentsWhen Albert Einstein published his first paper on relativity theory, it caused a stir in the physicists'…
- 07.02.2020 - 0 CommentsCrome Yellow is the first novel by British author Aldous Huxley, published in 1921. In the book, Huxley…
- 06.03.2020 - 0 CommentsThis is the official report, published nearly 11 months after the first and only atomic bombings in history…
- 03.03.2020 - 0 CommentsA collection of essays on the Hindu/Buddhist view of humankind's place in the universe. As the author says…
- 20.10.2023 - 0 Comments”Ai biết, một mụ phù thủy nào đó của Bộ. Một con mẹ lùn, có cái nơ con bướm trên đầu. Trông như một con cóc.”…
- 25.12.2020 - 0 CommentsIsaac Bickerstaff Esq. was a pseudonym used by Jonathan Swift as part of a hoax to predict the death of then…
- 29.10.2020 - 0 CommentsOrphaned Mabel struggles to raise her sisters by working as a sewing girl for long hours and low wages. She…
- 17.10.2023 - 0 CommentsLucius Malfoy: "Rõ ràng họ không trả rồi.Cha chả, sỉ nhục thanh danh phù thủy bằng cách trả lương lậu không…
- 18.04.2021 - 0 CommentsThis story ran as a serial in 1852 in the New York Sunday Dispatch, and for more than 160 years was buried in…
- 31.07.2019 - 0 CommentsCasimiro nasceu na Fazenda da Prata, em Capivary (Silva Jardim). A localidade onde viveu parte de sua…
- 21.02.2020 - 0 CommentsStories of King Arthur and His Knights retold from Malory's "Morte dArthur" "We have from the kind Creator…
- 06.04.2020 - 0 CommentsThe Verse-Book of a Homely Woman is a collection of domestic, spiritual, and fanciful poems from the point…
- 29.11.2023 - 0 CommentsChú ấy vẫn chưa đi!" Harry la lớn.Nó không tin vào điều đó; nó sẽ không tin; nó vẫn tiếp tục vùng vẫy thoát…
- 29.11.2019 - 0 CommentsL'Art d'être grand-père est un recueil de poèmes que Victor Hugo a publié en 1877. Suite à la mort de…
- 31.08.2020 - 0 Comments“On the day the drafted men march away, Ruth MacDonald catches John Cameron's eye and waves to him. In the…