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- 22.10.2023 - 0 CommentsMột người có một con lừa. Bao năm nay lừa kéo xe chở lúa đến nhà xay không hề biết mệt. Nhưng giờ đây sức lừa…
- 20.08.2020 - 0 CommentsUnder the terms of a will, the Wildersham children have to relocate from the family house in the city to…
- 13.07.2020 - 0 CommentsNothing can be more unlike The Pretentious Young Ladies or Sganarelle than Molière's Don Garcia of Navarre.…
- 21.12.2020 - 0 CommentsA charming children's story following the trials and tribulations of the simple life of Marie-Celeste as she…
- 05.05.2021 - 0 CommentsMencken sharpens his pen and in a collection of short essays delivers acerbic opinions on issues and persons…
- 27.10.2023 - 0 CommentsNgày xưa ở một làng nọ có một cô con gái đẹp. Thấy mọi người đều trầm trồ về nhan sắc của mình, cô bỗng có…
- 21.10.2023 - 0 CommentsCác bạn đã bao giờ trông thấy một cái tủ cổ, đen nhánh và chạm trổ đủ các kiểu lá cây chưa?…
- 08.02.2020 - 0 CommentsThe Land That Time Forgot is a science fiction novel, the first of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Caspak trilogy.…
- 26.10.2020 - 0 CommentsThis short, engaging volume summarizes the life of a priest who, intending to spark a lively academic debate…
- 14.05.2021 - 0 CommentsWhat this country needs, aside from a new Indian policy and a style of poison for children which will be…
- 28.06.2021 - 0 CommentsGypsy is a particularly smart little dog, who knows a lot of tricks which he performed with his owner, a…
- 10.01.2021 - 0 CommentsAfter the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which many claim sparked off the Civil War that put an end to…
- 30.03.2020 - 0 CommentsIn Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, philosopher David Hume examines whether belief in God can be…
- 28.06.2020 - 0 CommentsAlso known as "A Political History of the Devil" This book is divided into two parts: first, the history of…
- 17.04.2021 - 0 CommentsLife is full of ups and downs, joys and trials. In this work, we are advised on how to deal with what fate…
- 03.10.2020 - 0 CommentsA book of poems grouped by subject by various authors, some well known, some not. Lots of fun poems to listen…