A Little Book of St. Francis & His Brethren

A Little Book of St. Francis and His Brethren presents with superlative charm the great simplicities and eternal verities in the life of St Francis. The author EM Wilmot Buxton is already well known for valuable work in making vivid the lives God's heroes. The Little Book will be found delightful by both children and adults.

By : E. M. Wilmot-Buxton

01 - The Story of St. Francis Himself

02 - The Story of How St. Francis Became Poor for the Love of Christ

03 - The Story of How St. Francis Began His Buidling

04 - The Story of Brother Bernard and His Sack of Money

05 - The Story of the Pride of Brother Elias

06 - The Story of How St. Francis Converted the Wolf of Gubbio

07 - The Story of the Wild Turtle-Doves

08 - How St. Francis Taught Brother Leo the Secret of Perfect Joy

09 - The Story of How St. Francis Preached to the Birds

10 - The Story of the Vineyard of Rietl

11 - The Story of How St. Anthony Preached to the Fishes

12 - The Story of St. Francis and the Sultan

13 - The Story of How the Birds Welcomed St. Francis

14 - The Story of How St. Francis Received the Holy Marks

15 - The Story of the Passing of St. Francis


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