Tales of Laughter

Time to exercise your funny bone. This fun collection of stories from around the world will make children of all ages smile and chuckle. A LAUGHING SONG When the greenwoods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it; When the meadows laugh with lively green, And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene; When Mary and Susan and Emily With their sweet round mouths sing “Ha, ha, he!” When the painted birds laugh in the shade, Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread; Come live and be merry and join with me To sing the sweet chorus of “Ha, ha, he!” William Blake.

By : Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856 - 1923) and Nora Archibald Smith (1859 - 1934)

001 - The Rats and Their Son-in-Law

002 - The Mouse and the Sausage

003 - The Three Wishes

004 - The Fox and the Goose

005 - If Heaven Will It

006 - The Booby

007 - The Months

008 - The Stone in the Cock's Head

009 - The Fox and the Cat

010 - The Straw Ox

011 - The Cat, The Cock and The Fox

012 - The Fox and the Dove

013 - The Fox and the Hedgehog

014 - The Disappointed Bear

015 - Young Neverfull

016 - Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Leary

017 - The Tail

018 - Jack and the King who was a Gentleman

019 - Hans in Luck

020 - The Family Servants

021 - The Flail Which Came From the Clouds

022 - The Sole's Mouth

023 - The Three Brothers

024 - The Wren and the Bear

025 - The Musicians of Bremen

026 - The Fox and the Cat (German)

027 - The Golden Key

028 - Doctor Know-All

029 - The Fair Catherine and Pif-Paf Poltrie

030 - The Wolf and the Fox

031 - Discreet Hans

032 - King Thrush-Beard

033 - The Three Luck-Children

034 - The Three Sluggards

035 - The Fisherman and His Wife

036 - The Nose-Tree

037 - The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet

038 - The Golden Goose

039 - The Young Giant

040 - The Sweet Soup

041 - Seven at One Blow

042 - The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership

043 - Old Sultan

044 - The Nail

045 - The Fox and the Horse

046 - The Giant and the Tailor

047 - The Spider and the Flea

048 - The Little Shepherd Boy

049 - The Seven Swabians

050 - The Shreds

051 - The Wolf and the Seven Kids

052 - The Elves and the Shoemaker

053 - King Wren

054 - Why the Bear has a Stumpy Tail

055 - Three Ways to Build a House

056 - How to Tell a True Princess

057 - The Five Servants

058 - The Hare and the Fox

059 - The Story of Zirac

060 - Johnny-Cake

061 - The Wee, Wee Mannie

062 - Sir Gammer Vans

063 - Tom Tit Tot

064 - The Old Woman and Her Pig

065 - The Story of the Three Little Pigs

066 - The Three Sillies

067 - The Cat and the Mouse

068 - Hereafterthis

069 - Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse

070 - The Magpie's Nest

071 - Scrapefoot

072 - The Wise Men of Gotham

073 - Henny Penny

074 - A Son of Adam

075 - The Happy Family

076 - The Blind Man, the Deaf Man and the Donkey

077 - The Alligator and the Jackal

078 - Why the Fish Laughed

079 - The Selfish Sparrow and the Houseless Crows

080 - The Lambikin

081 - The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

082 - The Greedy Cat

083 - Well Done: Ill Paid

084 - Reynard and Chanticleer

085 - Father Bruin in the Corner

086 - Why the Sea is Salt

087 - Gudbrand on the Hillside

088 - The Pancake

089 - The Death of Chanticleer

090 - Reynard Wants to Taste Horse-Flesh

091 - Bruin and Reynard Partners

092 - Pork and Honey

093 - How Reynard Outwitted Bruin

094 - Nanny Who Wouldn't Go Home to Supper

095 - The Box with Something Pretty in it

096 - The Farmer and the Troll

097 - One's Own Children Always Prettiest

098 - The Princess Whom Nobody Could Silence

099 - The Money-Box

100 - The Darning-Needle

101 - Master of All Masters

102 - Belling the Cat

103 - The Magpie and Her Children

104 - The Cock, the Cuckoo and the Black-Cock

105 - The Race Between Hare and Hedgehog

106 - Bruno's Story

107 - The Bluebottle Who Went Courting

108 - How Two Beetles Took Lodgings

109 - Little Tuppen

110 - The Story of the Four Little Children Who Went Round the World

111 - The History of the Seven Families of Lake Pipple-Popple

112 - Wee Robin's Yule-Song

113 - The Giant's Shoes

114 - The Farmer and the Money-Lender

115 - How the Sun, the Moon, and the Wind Went Out to Dinner

116 - Singh Rajah and the Cunning Little Jackals

117 - Harisarman

118 - It is Quite True

119 - Manabozho and his Toe

120 - The Most Frugal of Men

121 - The Moon-Cake

122 - The Ladle that Fell from the Moon

123 - The Young Head of the Family

124 - A Dreadful Boar

125 - The Old Man and the Devils

126 - The Wonderful Tea-Kettle

127 - The Wonderful Mallet

128 - The Tongue-Cut Sparrow

129 - Battle of the Monkey and the Crab

130 - The Cub's Triumph

131 - The Silly Jelly-Fish

132 - Chin-Chin Kobamama

133 - The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumplings

134 - The Three Goats

135 - The Fox Turned Shepherd

136 - The Seven Boys and the Monster

137 - The Story of Little Black Mingo

138 - The Cock and the Crested Hen

139 - The Old Woman and the Fish

140 - The Lad and the Fox

141 - The Old Woman and the Tramp

The Rats and their Son-in-Law

There once lived in Japan a rat and his wife, folk of noble race, who had one beautiful daughter. They were exceedingly proud of her charms, and dreamed, as parents will, of the grand marriage she was sure to make in time. Proud of his pure rodent blood, the father saw no son-in-law more to be desired than a young rat of ancient lineage, whose attentions to his daughter were very marked. This match, however, brilliant as it was, seemed not to the mother’s taste. Like many people who think themselves made out of special clay, she had a very poor opinion of her own kind, and was ambitious for an alliance with the highest circles. Ad astra! (To the stars!) was her motto, she always said, and really, when one has a daughter of incomparable beauty, one may well hope for an equally incomparable son-in-law.

“Address yourself to the sun at once, then,” cried the impatient father one day; “there is nothing above him, surely.”

“Quite so; I had already thought of it,” she answered, “and since you, too, are in sympathy with the idea, we will make our call to-morrow.”

So, on the following morning the proud father and the haughty mother-rat went together to present their lovely daughter to the orb of day.

“Lord Sun,” said the mother, “let me present our only daughter, who is so beautiful that there is nothing like her in the whole world. Naturally we desire a son-in-law as wonderful as she, and, as you see, we have come to you first of all.”

“Really,” said the sun, “I am extremely flattered by your proposal, but you do me too much honor; there is some one 4greater than I; it is the cloud. Look, if you do not believe.” ... And at that moment the cloud arrived, and with one waft of his folds extinguished the sun with all his golden rays.

“Very well; let us speak to the cloud, then,” said the mother-rat, not in the least disconcerted.

“Immensely honored, I am sure,” replied the cloud in his turn, “but you are again mistaken; there is some one greater than I; it is the wind. You shall see.”

At the same moment along came the wind, and with one blow swept the cloud out of sight, after which, overturning father, mother, and daughter, he tumbled with them, pell-mell, at the foot of an old wall.

“Quick, quick,” cried the mother-rat, struggling to her feet, “and let us repeat our compliments to the wind.”

“You’d better address yourself to the wall,” growled the wind roughly. “You see very well he is greater than I, for he stops me and makes me draw back.”

No sooner had she heard these words than mother-rat faced about and presented her daughter to the wall. Ah, but now the fair rat-maiden imitated the wind; she drew back also. He whom she really adored in her heart of hearts was the fascinating young rat who had paid his court to her so well. However, to please her mother, she had consented to wed the sun, in spite of his blinding rays, or the cloud, in spite of his sulky look, even the wind, in spite of his brusque manner; but an old, broken wall!... No! death would be better a thousand times.

Fortunately the wall excused himself, like all the rest. “Certainly,” he said, “I can stop the wind, who can sweep away the cloud, who can cover up the sun, but there is some one greater than I: it is the rat, who can pass through my body, and can even, if he chooses, reduce me to powder with his teeth. Believe me, you need seek no better son-in-law; greater than the rat, there is nothing in the world.”

“Do you hear that, wife, do you hear it?” cried father-rat in triumph. “Didn’t I always say so?”

“Quite true! you always did,” returned the mother-rat in 5wonder, and suddenly glowed with pride in her ancient name and lineage.

So they all three went home, very happy and contented, and on the morrow the lovely rat-maiden married her faithful rat-lover.


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