Ben King's Verse

This is a volume of Benjamin King's collected verse, published shortly after his sudden death in 1894. The American humorist was very famous during his lifetime, and is still widely referenced and quoted until today. This volume was published in Chicago after his death, reportedly outselling any other volume of poetry in Michigan for 25 years after being published. It is also prefaced by two short biographies by John McGovern and Opie Read.

By : Benjamin King (1857 - 1894)

001 - Introduction by John McGovern

002 - Biography by Opie Read

003 - If I Should Die

004 - Say When, and Say It

005 - Gittin' My Soul Inter Shape

006 - Evolution

007 - Gedder in Yo' Grain

008 - Jane Jones

009 - Elopement

010 - Her Folks an' Hiz'n

011 - The Yaller Jackets' Nest

012 - How Hank Died

013 - How Often

014 - Renton Harbor, Mich

015 - Asphodel

016 - The Flowers' Ball

017 - De Sun's Comin' Back

018 - The River St. Joe

019 - The Robin and the Chicken

020 - Baby Up at Battenberg's

021 - No Harm Done

022 - The Fates

023 - Paraphrase

024 - If I can be by Her

025 - Toboggan

026 - De Bugel on de Hill

027 - Old St. Joe

028 - The Tramp

029 - The Chautauquan Maid

030 - I'm a Bluejay

031 - 'Rastus King

032 - That Valentine

033 - De Good Ship

034 - A Casual Observation

035 - Like the New Friends Best

036 - A Negro Song of Home

037 - S'posin'

038 - Little 'Rasmus

039 - Nobody Knows

040 - She does not Hear

041 - Down the Mississippi

042 - The Mermaid

043 - De Blackbird Fetched de Spring

044 - Appearances

045 - The Girl with the Jersey

046 - If my Wife Taught School

047 - The Old Spinning Wheel

048 - The Owl and the Crow

049 - De Clouds am Gwin ter Pass

050 - A Summer's Afternoon

051 - I Fed the Fishes

052 - Ole Bossie Cow

053 - That Cat

054 - A Frog's Thanksgiving

055 - Lovey-Loves

056 - Hank Spink

057 - The Nile

058 - Like de Ole Mule Bes'

059 - De Ribber ob Life

060 - The Cat o' Nine Tails

061 - The Hair-Tonic Bottle

062 - De Circus Turkey

063 - Sofie Jakobowski

064 - Sunrise

065 - The Woodticks

066 - Didn't we, Jim?

067 - The Post-Driver

068 - Lef' de Ole Hoss Out

069 - Ec-A-Lec-Tic Fits

070 - Keep Him a Baby

071 - Angeliny

072 - De Eyarfquake

073 - The Pessimist

074 - But Then

075 - Presque Isle

076 - Beulah Land

077 - The Blackbird and the Thrush

078 - De Spring-House

079 - Under Obligations

080 - Cleopatra and Charmian

081 - Pinkey

082 - The Bung Town Canal

083 - De Massa

084 - Coonie in de Holler

085 - After Weidenfeller Goes

086 - Zaccheus

087 - A Retrospection

088 - St. Patrick's Day

089 - Injun Summah

090 - 'Cause it's Gittin' Spring

091 - Decorate de Cabin

092 - The Ultimatum

093 - Dreamy Days

094 - When the Stage Gits in

095 - The Cultured Girl Again

096 - The Cushville Hop

097 - Gord Only Knows

098 - Jes' Take my Advice

099 - Patriotism and a Pension

100 - The Old Musician's Fate

101 - A Record from 'way back

102 - Thanksgibbin in Ole Virginny

103 - Grave Matters

104 - Comin' Christmas Morn

105 - Sad Fate of Yim Yohnsen

106 - Legend of the St. Joseph

107 - Little Jude

108 - Little Pucken Singer

109 - Down in Walhallalah


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